The Lagos State Police Command Spokesperson, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, however, has clarified that under the law, police officers have the right to use their firearms to protect themselves in the face of danger. He said so, in response to the backlash officers of the Nigerian police force received for using their firearms recently on a mob at the Alaba Rago market, Ojo, Lagos, which resulted in the death of one of the attackers.
According to reports, the officers were at the market to arrest a suspect but they were met with fierce resistance from a mob. In the process of retreat, one of the officers fired his weapon, resulting in a fatal injury to one of the assailants.
Benjamin Hundyin, further clarified that under the law, police officers have the right to use their firearms to protect themselves in the face of danger. The Nigerian Constitution, Article 137, states that "The State may, in accordance with law, arm and equip its security forces for the purpose of defending the nation against external aggression and internal disorder."
There were however many replies on Twitter that disagree with the Police PRO and accused the Nigerian Police force of unwarranted use of firearms. Some replies below.
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